St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School


3.45pm Family Church monthly

About Us




Archbishop Welby recently described the church as ‘a hospital for sinners’. That’s a brilliant description as when someone said, ‘if you find the perfect church, don’t join it you'll spoil it!’ What do you think? 

First we have to remember that the church is not a building. The first Christians worshipped in people’s houses and then, when they were persecuted, they worshipped in secret.  It was not until the 4th century that churches began to be built. When the Bible talks about church it means ‘people’ – Christians – those who believe in Jesus Christ.

In the Bible the church is often described in metaphors – it is the Body of Christ, it is God’s family. So this key question is asking ‘What is the purpose of God’s family?

St Michael's Church Council began their first meeting of 2019 looking at what the Bible says is the purpose of His family. We looked at the greatest commandment (Love God with all your heart ...and your neighbour as yourself and then the Great Commission ‘Go into all the world and make disciples... ’) 

These are the priorities of the whole Christian Church and they must be our priorities as we seek to find out God’s will for his family here in Hoole.

At the PCC we summarised our aims as: 

  • Worship 
  • Holiness – becoming more like Jesus,  
  • Outreach – sharing the Good News of Jesus with friends and neighbours.

We unanimously recognised the need to draw in more young families and children. We all agreed that every 10.30 service should be attractive to newcomers; the children should be involved in the Service and the services should be straightforward and easy to follow. 

The PCC also enthusiastically supported our new monthly Family Church on a Sunday afternoon at 3.45pm in the Village Hall. 

The other new initiative links with the second of our purposes as a Church. We all need to continue to grow as Christians and deepen our commitment to Jesus. Over Lent, five Alpha films were shown at the Rectory which went through some of the core teaching of Jesus. Each involved a wide range of Christians talking about their faith and how it has changed their life.

After Lent, a House Group/Bible Study group is to be formed. This will be fortnightly at the Rectory. Further details and dates to follow.

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