
Baptism is the way we welcome new people of all ages into God's family.

It symbolises making a whole new start  like a second birth. At the heart of the service is the Christian belief that God loved the world so much that He sent his son Jesus to die on the cross to defeat the power of sin and death and offer new life to all who believe in him.

In a baptism, service water is used to symbolise the washing away of sin (selfishness) and the sign of the cross is made on the person's head showing that they are now a follower of Jesus Christ.

When someone is a teenager or adult they make promises about their own Christian commitment. When a baby or a small child is baptised (this is sometimes called christening) then parents and godparents make the promises on behalf of the child. Parents and godparents promise to pray for the child, and care for him/her and bring him up in the Christian faith until he/she is old enough to make the promises himself at Confirmation.

Parents and godparents are usually expected to be baptised themselves but if you are not and would like your child baptised there is no reason  why you should not be baptised at the same time as your child or on a different occasion.

In order to be baptised people are expected to start coming to church. The main service where there is Sunday school for children is at 10.30 on a Sunday morning. We also hold a monthly Family Church event on Sunday afternoon at 3.45pm which is a short interactive family service with craft activities, singing, Bible story and refreshments suitable for all ages.

There is also a short preparation course consisting of about 4 or 5 sessions to look at the basic ideas of Christianity using some excellent video material when the minister will usually come round to your house or invite you round to the Rectory.

Baptisms take place during the main 10.30 service or more usually at 12.noon after the main Sunday service. If you decide to have a 12 noon slot you will be able to choose your favourite hymns and help shape the Service around a familar Bible story.

Please contact Reverend Ann at  if  you are interested in Baptism and we will look forward to welcoming you in church. 

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