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This week, we begin our pilgrimage through Lent and think about the importance of light and how we can be a light to other people.
This week, we start our journey through Lent and we meet some of Jesus' disciples. Marvin helps his dad when he breaks his leg.
This week we think about how to love our neighbour and who our neighbour is, as we think about the Parable of the Good Samaritan
This week, we think about loving our neighbour and Jesus' teaching that everyone is our neighbour
This week, we hear the familiar parable about the Lost Son and think about genuine apologies and giving forgiveness to people who are genuinely sorry
This week, we hear a familiar parable about the Lost Son and we think about our manners and particularly saying sorry.
This week we hear a story about Marvin getting a new job and a parable from the Bible about a man with 2 sons
This week's parable is about 2 sons who were asked to help their dad. One said yes and the other said no. We think about who was most helpful
This week, on our first online Worship, we think about the Wise Men visiting Jesus and why that's still important for us today.
In our first online worship, we think about the Wise Men visiting Jesus, and of course, Marvin comes to help us understand