St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School


3.45pm Family Church monthly

Service of Morning Worship 9 May 2021

Today we hear the story of Cornelius and it reminds us that God has no favourites

Service of Holy Communion 2 May 2021

Today we think about Philip telling the Ethiopian man about Jesus.

Morning Worship 25 April 2021

Today we think about the splendour of Jesus.

Service of Holy Communion 18 April 2021

Today we welcome Rev Richard Plant to lead our worship, and Margaret Kirkman preaches

Service of Morning Worship 11 April 2021

Join us as we think about the disciples' reaction to Jesus' resurrection

Easter Sunday Service of Holy Communion

Christ is risen! Alleluia! Join us as we celebrate this great and glorious day

Sunday School Easter Sunday 4 April 2021

Today we celebrate! Jesus is risen! Happy Easter

Extra Sunday School for Good Friday 2 April 2021

Today, as we remember Jesus' death, we think about why we call today GOOD Friday

Morning Worship for Palm Sunday 28 March 2021

Today we begin Holy Week thinking about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Virtual Sunday School for Palm Sunday 28 March 2021

This week, we think about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, and how we will welcome Jesus this Easter