St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School


3.45pm Family Church monthly

Service of Holy Communion 21 March 2021

Today, we think about Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane on Passion Sunday

Virtual Sunday School 21 March

This week, we hear another of Jesus' miracles as he heals a blind man. We think about how Jesus helps us see God and can open our eyes spiritually

Mothering Sunday Holy Communion Service 14 March 2021

Today we celebrate both Mothering Sunday and the first communion of the people who were confirmed last week.

Virtual Sunday School 14 March

To celebrate Mothering Sunday, we look at Jesus' love and commitment to his mother and think about how much our mothers do for us and what we can do to show them how much we appreciate them

Confirmation Service 7 March 2021

Welcome to our Confirmation service with Bishop Jill. A lovely service celebrating confirmation of 9 church members, with baptism for one of them too.

Virtual Sunday School 7 March 2021

Today, we read about one of Jesus' healing miracles, where he not just heals a man's physical illness, but also helps him to understand more about God.

Zoom Service 28 February 2021

Join us for our final Zoom service, as we think about Jesus driving out the evil spirits in Mark 5

Virtual Sunday School 28 February

This week, we read a familiar miracle of Jesus, where he calms a storm. We think about how much God loves each of us and cares about the things we're scared of

School Worship Week 7 KS2

This week, we begin our pilgrimage through Lent and think about the importance of light and how we can be a light to other people.

School Worship Week 7 EYFS and KS1

This week, we start our journey through Lent and we meet some of Jesus' disciples. Marvin helps his dad when he breaks his leg.