St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School


3.45pm Family Church monthly

School Worship Week 7 EYFS and KS1

This week, we start our journey through Lent and we meet some of Jesus' disciples. Marvin helps his dad when he breaks his leg.

Zoom Service for the first Sunday of Lent - 21 February

Welcome to our Zoom service. Today we thought about Jesus' call to Levi in Mark's gospel and Jesus' call to everyone

Service for Ash Wedmesday

A thoughtful, reflective service for Ash Wednesday as we begin lent 2021. Link for the music during the confession is at the end of the video, after the blessing and here

Virtual Sunday School 21 February

This week we think about Jesus calling Levi to be one of the disciples and how this was shocking to the religious leaders at the time.

Zoom service 14 February 2021

Join us as we look at 1 John 2v1-10. Peter challenges us all to Believe, Obey and Love

Virtual Sunday School 14 February

Today it's Valentine's Day, so we think about love. We will look at God's love for us and how He wants us to love other people.

School Worship Week 6 KS2

This week we think about how to love our neighbour and who our neighbour is, as we think about the Parable of the Good Samaritan

School Worship Week 6 EYFS and KS1

This week, we think about loving our neighbour and Jesus' teaching that everyone is our neighbour

Zoom Service 7 February 2021

Today, we think about 1 John 1 and Jesus as our light

Virtual Sunday School 7 February

This week, we think about Jesus as our light to guide us to make good decisions and to help us follow God