St Michael and All Angels Church 


9.00am Holy Communion 

10.30am Parish Communion or 

Morning Worship with Sunday School

3.45pm Family Church monthly

5.00pm Pizza & Praise monthly




"To Know Christ and Make Him Known"


Please join us for Worship

Welcome to St Michael and All Angels Church, Hoole.

“To Know Christ and Make Him Known”

At St Michael’s we hope Christians will have the opportunity  to deepen their faith and those exploring Christianity will be able to find out more.

Come and join us on Sundays at 10.30am with clear Bible teaching and wonderful music with hymns old and new.

There is a relaxed friendly atmosphere and toys at the back of Church for our younger members of the congregation. 

During the Bible readings and sermon, children 0-11 meet in our wonderful Lodge for Sunday School.

Families with children are especially welcome, and also to our monthly Family Church at 3.45pm.

Details are available on this website.

Sundays at 0900am

This is the Traditional book of Communion Prayer Communion Service - said.

Sundays at 10.30am
We worship together with wonderful music, the Bible is read and explained and we bring up all our needs in prayer. There are also special childrens activities during the service.

Parish Communion
On three Sundays of the month, the 1st, 3rd and 5th, we have a PARISH COMMUNION Service with Sunday school.

At this service, after the sermon and prayers, we remember and celebrate the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for us all. We thank God for His great saving act of sending His Son to die for us and conquer sin and death.

Everyone is invited to participate in this service: to receive the bread and wine if it is their custom or to come up for a blessing. All children are invited up to receive a blessing.

If anyone with mobility difficulties wishes to have Communion brought to their seat that can be easily arranged. Similarly, we can provide non-alcoholic wine or gluten-free wafers.

There is a Sunday school group for children aged 0-11 years - which meets each Sunday in the Lodge, unless Family Church is on in the afternoon then there is no Sunday School in the morning. The children leave church usually after the second hymn and return about 20 mins later at the Peace. There is a group of experienced Sunday school leaders with the children at all times.

Morning Worship
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, we have a MORNING WORSHIP Service. This is an informal service lasting between 45 mins and an hour, suitable for all the family.

The Bible is read and explained in the sermon. There are prayers lead by the clergy and a member of the congregation. We sing a range of hymns modern and traditional. 

There is a Sunday school group for children aged 0-11 years - which meets each Sunday in the Lodge, unless Family Church is on in the afternoon then there is no Sunday School in the morning. As with Parish Communion, the children leave church usually after the second hymn and return about 20 mins later at the Peace. 

Family Church
Each month, we have a Family Church aimed at all the family. It is a short informal interactive service where young children can move around without parents feeling awkward. There is always a variety of activities taking place for children of all ages.
The service normally has a special theme; we have held 'Pancake Church', 'Mothering Sunday Church', 'Lego Church', 'Lift Off Church' and 'Cream Tea Church'. And have in the pipeline 'Superheroes Church' and 'Star Wars Church'.

We also celebrate Palm Sunday with a real donkey and donkey rides. 

Pizza & Praise
Each month we hold an informal service at 5:00 in church. This service gives a bit more space for reflection and private prayer, as well as modern songs, a Bible thought and interactive prayers.

The service is followed by pizza in the Lodge.


Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals

Throughout the year there are Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals. Please look at the appropriate website pages for more information.

Special Services

Throughout the year various services take place at the Church.

These include Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter Services, Remembrance Sunday and the Service of Thanksgiving for Loved Ones.

At Christmas, we have a number of services during December, including Carols by candlelight, Crib service & Midnight Communion.

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